Glossary  >  CBRS Band


Noun, Abbr.

CBRS Band is a notation for Citizens Broadband Radio Service, a 150 MHz broadcast band between 3550 MHz and 3700 MHz (3.5 GHz band).

The FCC established the CBRS Band for shared commercial use through a three-tiered access framework. This framework facilitates shared government and public use of the band, and the rules that govern it are found in Part 96 of the FCC's rules. The shared arrangement allows for civilian use and reserves part of the spectrum to limit interference with military use.

The three tiers of access comprise of:

  • Tier 1 - Incumbent Access: Users on this level include authorized federal users in the 3550–3700 MHz band. Fixed satellite services in the 3600–3650 MHz and wireless broadband licensees in the 3650–3700 MHz band.
  • Tier 2 - Priority Access: Users on this level consist of Priority Access Licences (PALs) determined through bidding for 10-year renewable licenses. Each PAL comprises a 10 MHz channel within the 3550-3650 MHz band.
  • Tier 3 - General Authorized Access (GAA): GAA users have non-exclusive access throughout the 3550-3700 MHz band. However, they must accept interference from Tier 1 and Tier 2 users. Additionally, they must not cause harmful interference to upper-tier users as stipulated in Subpart E of the rules.

Example of CBRS Band in a sentence

"The CBRS band system is unique in the way it uses three tiers to allow access to the spectrum."

Related Terms for CBRS Band

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