weBoost - Wilson Electronics is Changing its Name

weBoost - Wilson Electronics is Changing its Name

Jeff Morin |

After decades of doing business as Wilson Electronics, the manufacturer of cell phone signal boosters and accessories is changing their name to weBoost, and are releasing all new weBoost cell phone signal boosters that sport a new black and red color scheme. The announcement was made at the 2015 Consumer Electronics Show, where the company featured a weBoost branded booth complete with the new weBoost branded products. The goal of the name change is to make it easier for consumers to understand what the company and product lines actually do, just by hearing the name. It's also the first step in a larger push by the manufacturer to better educate the general public about cell phone signal boosters and the fact there are solutions to poor cell phone signal and dead spots. The new branding is also meant to set the company apart from competitors, both online and on the shelves. While most of the changes to the newly announced products is cosmetic, there are a few improvements that are worth noting:
  1. The new weBoost Drive 4G-S and Drive 3G-S (formerly the Sleek line of boosters) are now able to accommodate larger phones and phablets, such as the iPhone 6 Plus.

  2. All of the new building boosters have automatic gain control, so no more dials on the amplifiers. This means that each booster will automatically adjust the coverage area to be optimal for the way it's setup. You can still increase the coverage area by increasing the separation between the antennas, but the amplifier will take care of the fine tuning for you.

  3. The individual products have been renamed to help consumers determine the right product group to solve their cell phone reception problem.

Overall, this looks to be a great move for weBoost (Wilson Electronics) and we're excited to see what the future holds for the company. If you'd like to be one of the first people to receive one of the new weBoost signal booster, then preorder yours today at our partner website, UberSignal.com: https://www.ubersignal.com/weboost As always, if you have any questions about this or anything else, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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